There are 43 students in total - 19 boys and 24 girls. They are between 14 and 24 years old with a range of education, from some secondary school to only primary. They are all incredibly motivated, and it is understandable why - hundreds of youth applied to the Centre. I wouldn't call these students lucky - they have worked hard to get where they are, and continue to do so. The curriculum is intense and many travel an hour or more to get to and from school every day.
Most speak of their challenges openly and with no desire for pity. Many students have overcome things I could not even imagine experiencing. What is most inspiring is that students choose to look at these challenges as experiences that have made them stronger. All of them are eager to finish school and go on to find jobs so that they may support their families and communities in ways they have never experienced themselves.
I think we, as Arusha volunteers, are some of the most fortunate for getting to work with these amazing young women and men. We get to spend time with 43 youth who have a genuine desire to become leaders in their communities every single day. Given the growth I have seen in these students in only three weeks, I cannot wait to see where the rest of their school year and beyond will take them.
Students during an introduction presentation to the Millenium Development Goals.
Students preparing posters to present MDG to their classmates.